sábado, 4 de julio de 2009

Cuatro de Julio

"En ningún otro país del mundo hay un amor más intenso y más alerta hacia la propiedad privada, y en ninguna otra parte la mayoría de la gente siente tan poca inclinación hacia las doctrinas que de cualquier forma atenten contra los derechos de propiedad."

- Alexis de Tocqueville, pensador liberal francés

"Me atrevo a declarar, no como un cliché patriotero sino en pleno conocimiento de los fundamentos metafísicos, epistemológicos, éticos y políticos, que Estados Unidos es la nación más grandiosa, la más noble, y por los principios de su fundación, es el único país moral de la historia del mundo."

- Ayn Rand, filósofa libertaria norteamericana

El siguiente es un video de una conferencia dictada por el eminente biólogo británico prof. Richard Dawkins ante la Asociación de Ateos de EEUU. Dawkins comienza felicitando a EEUU por deshacerse del "peor presidente del que tenemos memoria". Chile Liberal también saluda al pueblo norteamericano por rectificar la abominación de reelegir al peor de los peores.

La gracia de Estados Unidos es que sabe corregir sus errores. La grandeza consiste no en nunca errar, sino en reconocer las fallas y luego corregirlas.

Invito a ver la siguiente conferencia (no puedo abstraerme de halagar al Dawkins por la camisa cool que viste: es que así somos los ateos).

American Atheists 2009 - Richard Dawkins

5 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Hi, this is Emilia. Sorry, but I'm just curious as to how Dawkins' shirt has anything to do with atheism. Just curious!

Chile Liberal dijo...

Emilia, well ha ha let me explain with a syllogism...

- Prominent atheist Richard Dawkins wears a cool shirt
- Cool people wear cool shirts

Therefore, atheists are cool

I mean, how often you get to see an Oxford professor, addressing an audience of atheists, wearing a Hawaiian shirt?! But note, it's black and kinda smart.

I suppose most people think that being an atheist is impossibly boring. Well, it isn't!

I just asked my gf about the shirt: 'too American!!', she snorted.

Anónimo dijo...

Re: "I just asked my gf about the shirt: 'too American!!', she snorted."

Hm. I thought Richard Dawkins was British, and I didn't know that Hawaiian shirts were a fashion in Britain or Europe as a whole. Here in Canada people do wear them (depending on the weather, of course; you wouldn't want to wear them outside during a typical Canadian winter), but they're kind of considered informal wear.

On a more serious note, I always wondered what had become of Tony Blair (and George Bush). The sort of strange thing about Blair's pro-war, born-again image was that he was a member of Britain's Labour Party, the left wing, which in the US would be more the equivalent of the Democratic than Republican Party.

Canada was never involved in the Iraq war so we're not facing the problem of whether or when to withdraw (though we're still in Afghanistan).

Anónimo dijo...

- Richard Dawkins es un ateo que parece un turista inglés.
- Algunas personas son turistas ingleses.

Los turistas ingleses son ateos.

Pronto nos dirán que los ateos son más lindos y que tiran como un actor porno.

Chile Liberal dijo...

Los ateos no sólo son más apuestos, más inteligentes y tienen poder de compra mayor que los creyentes. Tiramos sí, y mucho, pero nunca tanto como otros.

@Emilia: I find that, as Dawkins said in the video, Blair and Bush were 'comarades in faith, comrades in arms', so leaving aside some political differences, they were both religious nutters so they had a lot in common (Blair thouh never was a drug abuser and alcoholic). In the end Blair was baptised a Roman Catholic, but I wonder if he could have voted for gay marriage in the UK while being officially a batpised Roman Catholic. With the economy in tatters and the UK's image at its lowest, I just think Blair lost the plot.

He's now in that inter-faith nonsense, as if the Jews, Mulsim and Christian in two milennia have ever managed to live in peace side by side.

Bush and Blair now, if they're still loyal to their respective political parties, should keep a low profile, because they're hated by so many (John McCain ran his campagn distancing himself from Bush) that even their party fellows want them to go away.